Friday, September 13, 2024

Lockirby2's RPG Challenge Runs

Screenshot of a comically specific and strict final fantasy vi challenge run ruleset.

Lockirby2 is one of my favorite youtubers I've kept up with over the last few years. I first found the channel through their excellent and instructive walkthrough of the original Kaizo Mario World. But the real fun has been keeping up with the Final Fantasy challenge run videos. I got a lot of joy from watching and reading along with the two most recent series, the FF6 0 EXP Solo Rotating Character Challenge and the FF7 Strahl Community Challenge, as they came out.

Final Fantasy VI and Final Fantasy VII are pretty gentle games for the most part. But they have a ton of hidden depth that I never picked up on playing the games casually. These challenge runs and their strict rulesets highlight their innumerable mechanical subtleties. Did you know Atma is vulnerable to Slow? Did you know JENOVA Life has a 1/N chance of using Aqualung every fourth turn, and N starts at 5 and gets lower as her HP decreases? Did you know, did you know, did you know—

I love these games. Getting to learn all these weird details and seeing the creative ways Lockirby2 exploits them is delightful. The videos push me hard to think critically about RPG systems; sraëka's games and criticism are the only works I can think of that make me feel similarly. 

I absolutely had to write a post after seeing them bring that same level of attention to detail to Facets (after I tactfully and humbly pointed them at it during a convo on discord). I really can't overstate how gratifying it was to watch the playthrough and read the commentary. It's a level of intense formal close reading I've never experienced for any of my games before. It feels incredible to get that kind of scrutiny specifically from someone I already really respected for their RPG design thoughts.

I want to make more turn-based games with hard, chunky boss fights someday. I want to make them enjoyable for casual play, but reward deeper engagement from knowledgeable players as well. Thoughtful criticism like this is gonna help me get there.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Game Reviews: Live A Live and Romancing SaGa

Live A Live (1994, SNES)

Played the fan-translated Super Famicom version, natch.

Live A Live is as good as it gets. Square at the top of their game making an anthology of experimental micro-rpgs. Every one of them's a banger. If it was just the seven chapters on their own, it'd still be essential playing, but then the last two chapters tie everything together pristinely. It's just a perfect little package, as good as any other masterpiece Square put out at the time.

Every other rpgmaker dev I know has been obsessed with this game for years; I can't believe how long it took me to get around to it. There's stuff I've seen in my friends' games or done in my own games I thought was really original and clever. Then I discover Live A Live did the same things in 1994.

I'm not discouraged — I think it rules that artists have always been doing weird cool storytelling with the format. Instead of working in a vacuum, we're part of an ongoing dialogue that's been going on for 3+ decades. To me, that's much more cool and exciting. If you're interested in getting into the heads of people that made amazing games like LAL, I can't recommend this interview with director Takashi Tokita and other key staff members enough.

If you spend a lot of time thinking hard about how rpgs work, if you're a dev or an enthusiast player, you owe it to yourself to play Live A Live.

Romancing SaGa (1992, SNES)

The structure of this game is so nifty. It's almost like a magic trick, where I don't want to spoil it. But the gist of it is that the game's story progression isn't locked to any specific questline. The world moves forward over time, with quests becoming available and also locking out without you necessarily triggering any specific flags. Essentially everything is optional — the path you carve through the game to get strong enough to beat Saruin is entirely your own.

The downside of this approach is like, if the only thing you need to do to win is get strong to beat one boss... it kind of makes the whole game into one big thirty hour grind! You'd have to be playing it in a really boring way for that to really be true, but most of the quests are variations on "spend an hour fighting 100 random battles in one of the mostly interchangeable dungeons." "The whole game is grinding for one hard boss" is reductive, but not that reductive.

In a sense, it's the purest distillation of the appeal of post-GameBoy SaGa, to the point of being hard to digest. To me, these games are about the joy of fighting a whole mess of enemies and getting a constant drip-feed of incremental stat and skill upgrades after nearly every battle. The open world structure makes that more interesting, but I think that aspect feels more special to SaGa fans than it actually is because of cultural myopia. There are tons of open-ended PC western RPGs from this era like the Ultimas, Might & Magic, Wasteland/Fallout, etc. "You can go anywhere!" is only unique to SaGa if you've mostly played Final Fantasy-style roller coaster games.

But nobody does the character progression dopamine drip-feed like SaGa. It's not just the little stat ups after every fight — the systems and setpiece bosses are complex enough that the progression always feels substantive and rewarding. Grinding only feels good when there's a challenge that makes the grind feel worth it, and SaGa final bosses are terrifying monoliths. I barely scraped by Saruin at the end of this game; I've played through a lot of RPGs, and nothing hits like a SaGa climax.

I did finally get tired of the grind about twenty hours in, switch from hardware to emulator, and speed through the last ten hours with a fast-forward button. There's just ultimately not a lot to it. It feels "pure" to me because it's so empty, and if you're not already onboard with SaGa, I would recommend almost any of the other games over this one.

But I adore these games. I think SaGa's core appeal is more lizard-brained than we're often willing to admit, but what's wrong with that? Number go up feel good. I've had a stressful few months, and I had a lot of fun coming home and vegging out in front of the SNES and button-mashing through another dungeon's worth of battles. Romancing SaGa re-energized my love for the series, and I'm very excited to play one of the many new releases fans are feasting on. SaGa never dies! SaGa lives on!

(Selected review reposts from my Backloggd.)