Thursday, May 16, 2013


I made a game! You can download it here. It probably won't take more than ten or fifteen minutes to play through, so give it a go if you'd like. Feel free to tell me what you think in the comments.

I might do a more detailed post-mortem on the (two to three week) development process later on, but right now I'd rather just let the game speak for itself. Enjoy!

5-27-13: Edited to fix a minor glitch in the last area.


  1. I can't get it to work! Has anyone else had trouble?!

  2. the overall presentation is really well done. I enjoyed it.

    The jumping mechanics were a little bit frustrating though. A tiny tiny bigger timeframe for jumping after falling off an edge would be helpfull, i think.

    1. Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, I spent way more time on the level design and atmosphere than on the physics. I actually spent more time on the last level and the ending than the rest of the game combined. Next game I'll put more effort into fine-tuning the core mechanics, even if it involves more actual coding.

  3. Hah! Got it to work on a desktop -- but with no sound. I'll have to figure out why my lappy refused to run it.

    Got to the third or fourth room and had to stop -- I've still got stuff I need to work on tonight, and the game sucked me in so quickly I hardly noticed I got sucked in.

    1. I sent you an email with an altered version. It's compiled differently, and it doesn't start in full-screen mode. Let me know if it works! I'll put up a link if anybody else has trouble.
