Tuesday, May 20, 2014

I wanna be the very best

Crono Maniac: Hey!
Crono Maniac: Ya got a minute?
Rhete: sure
Crono Maniac: Alright, lemme paint a picture for ya
Crono Maniac: Anna's at the Elite Four
Crono Maniac: She's got a mid 50s Blastoise and a mid 50s Pidgeot
Rhete: hope you have ice moves for lance
Crono Maniac: She has a level 48 Pikachu
Crono Maniac: (No ice moves)
Rhete: GG
Crono Maniac: She has a level 45 Dragonair
Crono Maniac: She has a severely underleveled Growlithe and Marowak that she doesn't expect to get much use out of
Crono Maniac: So she starts fighting Lorelei
Crono Maniac: Her Dewgong
Crono Maniac: Her FIRST pokemon
Crono Maniac: Wipes out FOUR of Anna's pokemon
Rhete: haha
Crono Maniac: So she manages to beat the Dewgong
Crono Maniac: And with some diligent revive use, manages to beat Lorelei
Crono Maniac: But only just barely
Rhete: yeah that sounds right... I would get wiped by the second E4 member in Soul Silver
Crono Maniac: She burned through more than half of her support items to do so
Crono Maniac: So she gets to Bruno
Crono Maniac: After trying to turn around and finding out the door is locked
Rhete: haha
Crono Maniac: Bruno's not too tough
Crono Maniac: Blastoise and Dragonair both know surf, and deal with his rock types
Crono Maniac: Bird Jesus manages the fighting types
Crono Maniac: Still takes a number of hyper potions to make it through alive

Crono Maniac: So now her stock of items is even lower
Crono Maniac: She fights Agatha
Rhete: this doesn't sound like a good plan at all!
Crono Maniac: I'm asking her right now how she beat Agatha: "Errr, I dunno? I used Bite until the PP ran out, then I used Surf"
Crono Maniac: Agatha is obnoxious because she has a ton of status draining moves
Crono Maniac: So she JUST BARELY beats Agatha
Crono Maniac: This is her first run by the way
Rhete: oh trust me, I know these guys well from the hell that was twitch playing it XD
Crono Maniac: Okay good, so you know

Crono Maniac: So she gets to Lance.
Crono Maniac: She tries to use Pikachu on the Gyarados
Crono Maniac: It ALMOST one-shots it, then Gyrados one shots Pikachu
Crono Maniac: and Lance uses a full restore
Crono Maniac: So she's got two worthwhile Pokemon and an underleveled Dragonair
Crono Maniac: On LANCE
Crono Maniac: "How'd you beat Garados?"
Crono Maniac: "Pidgeot. Fly did a lot of damage."
Crono Maniac: Then he pulls out Areodactly
Crono Maniac: She surfs it to death in one shot
Crono Maniac: He pulls out Dragonair
Crono Maniac: He's out of Bite, so the only move Blastoise can use is Surf
Crono Maniac: Which Dragons are strong against
Crono Maniac: So she Rain Dances, then uses surf as much as possible
Crono Maniac: Barely manages to wipe out the two dragonairs
Crono Maniac: With Lance using a bunch of full restores all the while
Crono Maniac: So he pulls out his Level 60 Dragonite
Crono Maniac: Blastoise dies
Crono Maniac: After getting one surf in
Crono Maniac: Then Pidgeot comes in, uses its last fly, then Wing Attack
Crono Maniac: And Dragonite dies
Crono Maniac: Ya with me?
Rhete: yeah
Crono Maniac: Coo
Rhete: dragon is strong against dragon isn't it?
Crono Maniac: Yeah, but Dragonair didn't do much
Crono Maniac: Too low level
Rhete: oh
Rhete: was expecting him to be the hero

Crono Maniac: So now she's got 1 full health pidgeot, an almost dead Blastoise and an almost dead Pikachu (I think it got revived at some point)
Crono Maniac: She's about to fight Gary
Crono Maniac: I am completely confused
Crono Maniac: I had to grind for hours on Victory Road to reach this point
Crono Maniac: And here she is with an underleveled party managing it on the first run
Rhete: pokemon master!
Crono Maniac: She has 1 full restore, 1 revive, and 1 max revive
Crono Maniac: That’s it
Crono Maniac: It doesn't look like she has a chance
Crono Maniac: BUT WAIT
Crono Maniac: She has 17 Super Potions tucked away
Crono Maniac: So she revives Dragonair and uses the super potions to heal all of her guys
Rhete: oh man
Crono Maniac: Finds four rare candies
Rhete: ALL IN
Crono Maniac: Uses all of those
Rhete: haha
Rhete: holy crap
Crono Maniac: Finds a bunch of vitamins like carbos and iron
Crono Maniac: To raise EVs
Crono Maniac: Uses all of those
Crono Maniac: Items we've ignored the whole game
Crono Maniac: She uses an elixer and a max ether to get more PP for surf, fly, and bite
Crono Maniac: So she's got four guys at full health and PP for Gary
Crono Maniac: Pidgeot, Dragonair, Blastoise, and Pikachu
Crono Maniac: None over level 60
Crono Maniac: Two under level 50
Crono Maniac: She goes into Gary
Crono Maniac: He uses Pidgeot
Crono Maniac: Pidgeot ALMOST kills Pikachu with Aerial Ace
Crono Maniac: Aereal Ace deals about 45 damage (Pikachu has about 100 HP)
Crono Maniac: Pidgeot gets paralyzed
Crono Maniac: So Anna starts using Super Potions every time it lands an Aerial ace
Crono Maniac: Healing for 50 HP each time
Crono Maniac: Whenever the paralysis stops Pidgeot’s attack, she uses Thunder Bolt
Rhete: good lord
Crono Maniac: It takes three thunder bolts to beat Pidgeot, but he uses a bunch of full restores
Crono Maniac: So its this war of attrition between Pidgeot and Pikachu
Crono Maniac: Level 59 Pidgeot vs. Level 49 Pikachu
Crono Maniac: FINALLY Pikachu wins
Crono Maniac: That's one down
Crono Maniac: Five to go
Crono Maniac: Rhydon's next
Rhete: surfs up!
Crono Maniac: It tears Dragonair apart
Crono Maniac: Anna hoped Surf would be enough
Crono Maniac: He kills dragonair before it even gets a hit in
Crono Maniac: So she switches to Blastoise
Crono Maniac: Surfs up! Two down, four to go
Crono Maniac: Next up is Venusaur
Crono Maniac: It uses Sunny Day and Synthesis
Crono Maniac: a LOT
Crono Maniac: Anna swaps in Pidgeot
Crono Maniac: It uses Fly a bunch
Crono Maniac: but Venusaur keeps HEALING
Crono Maniac: And managing a few hits in in the mean time
Crono Maniac: Anna luckily dodges a few hits, and finally takes it out with Wing Attack
Crono Maniac: Three down, three to go
Crono Maniac: Pidgeot's alive, Pikachu's barely alive, and Blastoise is alive
Crono Maniac: So out comes Alakazam
Crono Maniac: UH OH
Crono Maniac: No psychic types
Crono Maniac: No ghost types
Crono Maniac: Nothing that can actually hurt a psychic pokemon
Crono Maniac: EXCEPT Blastoise's Bite, which is dark type (40 Atk power, which isn't much.)
Crono Maniac: So Blastoise uses Bite a BUNCH
Crono Maniac: But it's not enough, even after using the one Full Restore
Crono Maniac: Blastoise is almost dead
Crono Maniac: We've still got a max revive, and that's it.
Crono Maniac: Pidgeot comes out, barely manages to beat Alakazam
Crono Maniac: It's at about one third health
Crono Maniac: Next is Gyarados
Crono Maniac: She subs in Pikachu and mashes Thunderbolt
Crono Maniac: Gets most of its health down, then Gyarodos kills Pikachu
Crono Maniac: Pidgeot manages to get a lucky wing attack on the first move
Crono Maniac: Beats Gyardos
Crono Maniac: One
Crono Maniac: left
Crono Maniac: Arcanine
Crono Maniac: Ya with me? Here's where it gets really cool
Crono Maniac: So, here's where we're at
Rhete: last guy, arcanine!
Crono Maniac: Arcanine
Rhete: just say dragonair won it with surf
Rhete: :P
Crono Maniac: xD
Crono Maniac: All that's left is a max revive
Crono Maniac: Blastoise is almost dead
Crono Maniac: Pidgeot is almost dead
Crono Maniac: No one else is alive
Crono Maniac: One surf won't one shot a level 60 Arcanine, and it has Extremespeed
Crono Maniac: She switches in Blastoise
Crono Maniac: It dies in one hit before getting a surf off
Crono Maniac: Pidgeot comes in
Crono Maniac: Pidgeot uses the max revive on Blastoise
Crono Maniac: Pidgeot dies
Crono Maniac: So now it's Blastoise versus Arcanine
Crono Maniac: No more items
Crono Maniac: Every single other Pokemon is dead
Crono Maniac: Might want to start playing this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqXlSwBIHFc
Crono Maniac: Blastoise hits him with surf
Crono Maniac: Arcanine hits him with Extremespeed
Crono Maniac: Gary uses a full restore
Crono Maniac: Blastoise hits him with surf
Crono Maniac: Arcanine uses Extremespeed
Crono Maniac: Blastoise is almost dead
Crono Maniac: Blastoise uses surf
Crono Maniac: Arcanine faints

Crono Maniac: Congratulations! You are the new Pokemon League Champion!
Rhete: oooh
Rhete: haha
Rhete: man
Crono Maniac: I know!
Crono Maniac: I was completely blown away
Rhete: just don't think about how long it would take to do it had she lost
Rhete: and then had no items
Crono Maniac: YUP
Crono Maniac: Blastoise's health was at 13 at the very end
Crono Maniac: We saved before using the last bit of items before Gary
Crono Maniac: But we still would have lost about 80% of our stock
Crono Maniac: But she fucking did it!
Crono Maniac: I put down the game for six months when I got to the Elite Four xD They're fuckin' tough!
Crono Maniac: She beats them on her first go with an underleveled party
Rhete: haha
Crono Maniac: (AND she never lost a single battle in the whole game)
Crono Maniac: She says she doesn't feel like she steamrolled it either.
Rhete: that is insane
Crono Maniac: There were a number of points where she -almost- lost and didn't
Crono Maniac: It was probably the most dramatic and exciting experience you could possibly have in a Pokemon game xD
Crono Maniac: At least in single player
Crono Maniac: It took over an hour to fight all of them because she was being so meticulous and strategic
Crono Maniac: Oh wow it’s four in the morning xD
Crono Maniac: Time for bed
Rhete: night
Crono Maniac: G’night!

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